The Hispanic Community invites you to celebrate the Immaculate Conception, "Night of Lights”!
Saturday, December 7th at 5:00 pm on the basketball court at SEAS! Please bring a candle in a glass.
La Comunidad Hispana te invita a celebrar La Imaculada Concepción “Noche de las Velitas”! Sábado, Diciembre 7 @ 5:00 pm SEAS Cancha de Basketball! Traer una vela en vidrio!
Welcome Back!
As the new school year begins this week and next, Bishop Erik Pohlmeier has a special message for all students, parents, faculty and administrators.
Life Teen High School Youth Group -- "Life Night" -- is our weekly youth group meeting for high school aged teens (grades 9-12)! Each Sunday from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Youth Room at SEAS! Food, faith, FUN! ALL HIGH SCHOOL AGED TEENS ARE INVITED!
The Legion is a lay apostolic organization with over 15 million members worldwide. This ministry holds weekly Holy Communion services at senior and assisted living facilities in Palm Coast. They also visit parents of newly baptized children to present them a gift from the parish and to encourage the parents to actively involve their children in our sacramentals with parish life as they grow. Other members visit door-to-door in selected neighborhoods to invite residents to visit our church. All work is done in groups of two or more. Contact: Dave DiNardi, 386-445-2246, [email protected]
The mission of the Health ministry is to reach out to the parishioners and the entire community to provide services and events that will enhance the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional well being of participants. This includes working closely with Outreach and the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the homebound.
The Rosary Cenacle is in response to Our Lady's call that was made in her messages to Fr. Gobbi. In this ministry we say the fifteen decades of the rosary, pray for the Holy Father and his intentions, for priests, to end abortion, and for world peace. We then entrust ourselves in a special way to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, an example for all and a model of holiness.