The Secular Franciscan Order unites all members, laity, religious and priests called to follow Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. This is a lifetime commitment. Members serve in various ministries in the church and the community. Contact: Debbie Womack, 386-445-2246,
The Legion is a lay apostolic organization with over 15 million members worldwide. This ministry holds weekly Holy Communion services at senior and assisted living facilities in Palm Coast. They also visit parents of newly baptized children to present them a gift from the parish and to encourage the parents to actively involve their children in our sacramentals with parish life as they grow. Other members visit door-to-door in selected neighborhoods to invite residents to visit our church. All work is done in groups of two or more. Contact: Dave DiNardi, 386-445-2246,
The Rosary Cenacle is in response to Our Lady's call that was made in her messages to Fr. Gobbi. In this ministry we say the fifteen decades of the rosary, pray for the Holy Father and his intentions, for priests, to end abortion, and for world peace. We then entrust ourselves in a special way to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, an example for all and a model of holiness.
The Divine Mercy Cenacle is a devotion including sacred scripture and catechism. The Cenalce is divided into two groups, one serving the Spanish-speaking members and the other features English as the prevailing language. Contact: Margarita Serrano, 386-445-2246,
Our mission is to bring and share God’s Word. The three scripture passages for the upcoming Sunday are read aloud and then silently. Participants share a word or phrase that stood out for them and a brief discussion follows. This is not a study group, but a sharing of the Good News with fellow parishioners of how God continues to speak to us today through scripture. Contact: Pat Eccleston, 386-445-2246,
Join us on the sidewalk in front of the church the first Friday of each month from 4-5 pm to show support for the mothers and our opposition to abortion. Signs will be provided.
The Lay Carmelite Order of The Blessed Virgin (historically known as the "Third Order") is an association mainly of laypersons. Its members, responding to a special call of God, freely and deliberately commit themselves "to live in the following of Jesus Christ," according to the charism, traditions and the spirit of Camel under the authority of the Prior General of the Carmelite order. Its members, though not in religious life, choose to live out their baptismal commitment according to the spirit of the Carmelite order.
The Legion is a lay apostolic organization with over 15 million members worldwide. This ministry holds weekly Holy Communion services at senior and assisted living facilities in Palm Coast. They also visit parents of newly baptized children to present them a gift from the parish and to encourage the parents to actively involve their children in our sacramentals with parish life as they grow. Other members visit door-to-door in selected neighborhoods to invite residents to visit our church. All work is done in groups of two or more. Contact: Dave DiNardi, 386-445-2246,
The mission of the Health ministry is to reach out to the parishioners and the entire community to provide services and events that will enhance the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional well being of participants. This includes working closely with Outreach and the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the homebound.
The Rosary Cenacle is in response to Our Lady's call that was made in her messages to Fr. Gobbi. In this ministry we say the fifteen decades of the rosary, pray for the Holy Father and his intentions, for priests, to end abortion, and for world peace. We then entrust ourselves in a special way to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, an example for all and a model of holiness.
The Divine Mercy Cenacle is a devotion including sacred scripture and catechism. The Cenalce is divided into two groups, one serving the Spanish-speaking members and the other features English as the prevailing language. Contact: Margarita Serrano, 386-445-2246,
Since August, 1989, the Padre Pio Prayer Group has met monthly to pray for the spiritual needs of our times and to promote our spiritual growth in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church, guided by the Pope and Magisterium. The group follows the general principles of St. Padre Pio's spirituality.
Our mission is to bring and share God’s Word. The three scripture passages for the upcoming Sunday are read aloud and then silently. Participants share a word or phrase that stood out for them and a brief discussion follows. This is not a study group, but a sharing of the Good News with fellow parishioners of how God continues to speak to us today through scripture. Contact: Pat Eccleston, 386-445-2246,
Join us for a Portuguese lunch buffet with live music on Sunday, June 16th at 1 pm in Seton Hall! Tickets are $35 for adults over the age of 15; $15 for children ages 7 to 15; children younger than age 7 eat free! Proceeds benefit the Capital Campaign!
The Legion is a lay apostolic organization with over 15 million members worldwide. This ministry holds weekly Holy Communion services at senior and assisted living facilities in Palm Coast. They also visit parents of newly baptized children to present them a gift from the parish and to encourage the parents to actively involve their children in our sacramentals with parish life as they grow. Other members visit door-to-door in selected neighborhoods to invite residents to visit our church. All work is done in groups of two or more. Contact: Dave DiNardi, 386-445-2246,
Calling all young adults ages 18-35! You're invited to attend our Mother Seton Young Adults Group! We'll get together and talk about our lives, our faith, enjoy community and grow together as young adults in Christ! All young adults are invited - it doesn't matter if you're Catholic or not, Christian or not -- all are invited!
The Rosary Cenacle is in response to Our Lady's call that was made in her messages to Fr. Gobbi. In this ministry we say the fifteen decades of the rosary, pray for the Holy Father and his intentions, for priests, to end abortion, and for world peace. We then entrust ourselves in a special way to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, an example for all and a model of holiness.
The Divine Mercy Cenacle is a devotion including sacred scripture and catechism. The Cenalce is divided into two groups, one serving the Spanish-speaking members and the other features English as the prevailing language. Contact: Margarita Serrano, 386-445-2246,
Our mission is to bring and share God’s Word. The three scripture passages for the upcoming Sunday are read aloud and then silently. Participants share a word or phrase that stood out for them and a brief discussion follows. This is not a study group, but a sharing of the Good News with fellow parishioners of how God continues to speak to us today through scripture. Contact: Pat Eccleston, 386-445-2246,
Summer camp at Covecrest is an incredible opportunity to bring teens into an unforgettable experience of life. For over 20 years, Life Teen has provided experiences at summer camp where our high school teens are able to be free and confident in themselves, develop new friendships with other teens from our parish, and encounter God working in their lives. Their week at Covecrest includes inspiring talks, powerful encounters with God through the Sacraments, and fantastic activities such as high ropes, white water rafting, and messy games! This can be the summer that your teen begins to experience a bigger and better life than they ever thought possible!
Summer camp at Covecrest is an incredible opportunity to bring teens into an unforgettable experience of life. For over 20 years, Life Teen has provided experiences at summer camp where our high school teens are able to be free and confident in themselves, develop new friendships with other teens from our parish, and encounter God working in their lives. Their week at Covecrest includes inspiring talks, powerful encounters with God through the Sacraments, and fantastic activities such as high ropes, white water rafting, and messy games! This can be the summer that your teen begins to experience a bigger and better life than they ever thought possible!
The Legion is a lay apostolic organization with over 15 million members worldwide. This ministry holds weekly Holy Communion services at senior and assisted living facilities in Palm Coast. They also visit parents of newly baptized children to present them a gift from the parish and to encourage the parents to actively involve their children in our sacramentals with parish life as they grow. Other members visit door-to-door in selected neighborhoods to invite residents to visit our church. All work is done in groups of two or more. Contact: Dave DiNardi, 386-445-2246,
Summer camp at Covecrest is an incredible opportunity to bring teens into an unforgettable experience of life. For over 20 years, Life Teen has provided experiences at summer camp where our high school teens are able to be free and confident in themselves, develop new friendships with other teens from our parish, and encounter God working in their lives. Their week at Covecrest includes inspiring talks, powerful encounters with God through the Sacraments, and fantastic activities such as high ropes, white water rafting, and messy games! This can be the summer that your teen begins to experience a bigger and better life than they ever thought possible!
The Rosary Cenacle is in response to Our Lady's call that was made in her messages to Fr. Gobbi. In this ministry we say the fifteen decades of the rosary, pray for the Holy Father and his intentions, for priests, to end abortion, and for world peace. We then entrust ourselves in a special way to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, an example for all and a model of holiness.
Summer camp at Covecrest is an incredible opportunity to bring teens into an unforgettable experience of life. For over 20 years, Life Teen has provided experiences at summer camp where our high school teens are able to be free and confident in themselves, develop new friendships with other teens from our parish, and encounter God working in their lives. Their week at Covecrest includes inspiring talks, powerful encounters with God through the Sacraments, and fantastic activities such as high ropes, white water rafting, and messy games! This can be the summer that your teen begins to experience a bigger and better life than they ever thought possible!
The Divine Mercy Cenacle is a devotion including sacred scripture and catechism. The Cenalce is divided into two groups, one serving the Spanish-speaking members and the other features English as the prevailing language. Contact: Margarita Serrano, 386-445-2246,
Summer camp at Covecrest is an incredible opportunity to bring teens into an unforgettable experience of life. For over 20 years, Life Teen has provided experiences at summer camp where our high school teens are able to be free and confident in themselves, develop new friendships with other teens from our parish, and encounter God working in their lives. Their week at Covecrest includes inspiring talks, powerful encounters with God through the Sacraments, and fantastic activities such as high ropes, white water rafting, and messy games! This can be the summer that your teen begins to experience a bigger and better life than they ever thought possible!
Our mission is to bring and share God’s Word. The three scripture passages for the upcoming Sunday are read aloud and then silently. Participants share a word or phrase that stood out for them and a brief discussion follows. This is not a study group, but a sharing of the Good News with fellow parishioners of how God continues to speak to us today through scripture. Contact: Pat Eccleston, 386-445-2246,
Summer camp at Covecrest is an incredible opportunity to bring teens into an unforgettable experience of life. For over 20 years, Life Teen has provided experiences at summer camp where our high school teens are able to be free and confident in themselves, develop new friendships with other teens from our parish, and encounter God working in their lives. Their week at Covecrest includes inspiring talks, powerful encounters with God through the Sacraments, and fantastic activities such as high ropes, white water rafting, and messy games! This can be the summer that your teen begins to experience a bigger and better life than they ever thought possible!